2025/2026 Tuition Rates (rates are subject to change annually)
Our Lady of Loreto parishioners and Catholics affiliated with other ArchDen parishes:
$7,610 if paid up front and in full before the school year opens by July 15th
$7,735 if paid in semi annual payments due July 15th and November 15th
$7,860 if paid monthly. 20% paid before the school year opens by July 15th and the rest paid over eight monthly installments due on the first of each of the months of August-March
2025/2026 School Year
Registration Fee: $275 (Additional Siblings $50) for Preschool-8th Grade
5 half days AM Plan “A” PAID IN FULL- $6,830 Plan “B” SEMI ANNUAL PLAN- $6,955, “C” MONTHLY PAYMENTS $7,080
5 full days Plan “A” PAID IN FULL- $9,000, Plan “B” SEMI ANNUAL PLAN- $9,125, Plan “C” MONTHLY PAYMENTS $9,250
Affiliated Siblings Discount
1st Child- Plan “A” PAID IN FULL-$7,610, Plan “C” MONTHLY PAYMENTS $7,860
2nd Child- Plan “A” PAID IN FULL-$7,360, Plan “C” MONTHLY PAYMENTS $7,610
3rd Child- Plan “A” PAID IN FULL-$5,100, Plan “C” MONTHLY PAYMENTS $5,250
4th Child- Plan “A” PAID IN FULL-$4,070, Plan “C” MONTHLY PAYMENTS $4,195
Non-Affiliated Student Tuition
1st Child- Plan “A” PAID IN FULL- $9,490, Plan “C” MONTHLY PAYMENTS $9,740 2 2nd child (any other additional siblings)-Plan “A” PAID IN FULL-$9,240, Plan “C” MONTHLY PAYMENTS $9,490
Financial Aid
Tuition Assistance
At Our Lady of Loreto Catholic School, we strive for all families to feel that a transformative Catholic education is accessible regardless of socioeconomic Status or need. We recognize that a Catholic private school education is both a powerful investment in your child’s future as well as a considerable financial commitment. For families who may not be able to afford full tuition at Our Lady of Loreto Catholic School please see below:
To qualify for an ACE SCHOLARSHIP, families must live in Colorado and qualify for the Federal Free and Reduced Lunch Program. A limited number of applications are available each year. The awards are renewable each year and follow a student from Kindergarten through high school. Families must submit assistance applications each year.
Schmitz Family Foundation
The Schmitz Family Foundation supports Catholic students through scholarships. Families must meet the eligibility guidelines listed on the application. At least one person in the family must be employed, and federal income tax forms and W-2s must be included with the application. Families must reapply for funding each school year.
Seeds of Hope
Seeds of Hope cultivates minds and hearts for Christ by striving to make a transformative Catholic education financially accessible to any family who seeks it.