OLOL follows the Archdiocese of Denver Catholic Schools curriculum guidelinesOLOLfollowstheArchdioceseofDenverCatholicSchoolscurriculumguidelines

The primary goal of the program of instruction in the schools of the Archdiocese of Denver is to provide learning experiences which most effectively inculcate worthwhile attitudes and impart the knowledge and skills necessary for the spiritual, intellectual, emotional and physical development of the student.

The Office of Catholic Schools provides courses of study/curriculum guides for mandatory use in all Archdiocesan and Parish Catholic schools.

Curriculum evaluation committees consisting of teachers, principals and/or other curriculum experts are charged with the responsibility of assisting the Associate Superintendent in reviewing, revising and developing implementation for individual subject areas of the curriculum. Changes to curriculum areas are made according to a set subject rotation, as determined by the Associate Superintendent for Curriculum and Staff Development with the approval of the Superintendent.

OLOL Catholic School and Common Core State StandardsOLOLCatholicSchoolandCommonCoreStateStandards

The Office of Catholic Schools has examined the Common Core and, as they have traditionally done, have taken what is best from the Common Core and incorporated it into our curriculum guidelines with input from Catholic school teachers, principals, and the Office of Catholic Schools.

Textbooks are a support for professional teachers, not a curriculum in themselves. Teachers and principals will ensure that the formation of students includes faith formation as well as rigorous academics regardless of the textbooks that are used.

Additional specials offered are Music , PE , Spanish and Art.